In an op-ed by Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone, at The Washington Times, they warned of the danger of the mass vaccination program.
They wrote, “the more people you vaccinate, the greater the number of vaccine-resistant mutations you are likely to get, the less durable the vaccines will become, ever more powerful vaccines will have to be developed, and individuals will be exposed to more and more risk.
That’s really alarming.
“Science tells us here that today’s vaccines, which use novel gene therapy technologies, generate powerful antigens that direct the immune system to attack specific components of the virus. Thus, when the virus infects a person with a “leaky” vaccination, the viral progeny will be selected to escape or resist the effects of the vaccine.
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“If the entire population has been trained via a universal vaccination strategy to have the same basic immune response, then once a viral escape mutant is selected, it will rapidly spread through the entire population – whether vaccinated or not.”
The article goes into a lot of key points about the foolhardiness of Biden’s COV-19 strategy, mandatory and aggressive vaccine push.
Anyone who remembers Thalidimide babies knows it’s a bad idea with a rushed vaccine that’s not even a vaccine.
The article also points to a number of false assumptions the administration is making.
The first is that universal vaccination can eradicate the virus and secure economic recovery by achieving herd immunity throughout the country (and the world). That can’t happen. It’s entrenched.
The second assumption is that the vaccines are (near) perfectly effective. These vaccines are leaky.
The third assumption is that the vaccines are safe. However, there are widely recognized risks that are rare but serious.
The fourth is that the vaccine only lasts about 180 days.
Mass Psychosis
On substack, Dr. Malone discusses mass formation psychosis, a widely-recognized phenomenon.
He writes, “this form of mass hypnosis, of the madness of crowds, can account for the strange phenomenon of about 20-30% of the population in the western world becoming entranced with the Noble Lies and dominant narrative concerning the safety and effectiveness of the genetic vaccines, and both propagated and enforced by politicians, science bureaucrats, pharmaceutical companies and legacy media.”
A large fraction of the population can’t process new scientific data and facts. They’re hypnotized by the process, recognize the lies and misrepresentations they are being bombarded with on a daily basis.
He said that this is what happened in Germany and behind the Iron Curtain.
The Necessary Preconditions to Enable This Reaction
Dr. Malone discusses the preconditions in his essay and on the clip below. People have to be disconnected and we are — always on our cellphones. Also, what’s happening in the world has to not make sense. It causes free-floating anxiety. People can’t put their finger on what is wrong or what to do. Then there was a flood of so-called experts. It leads to obsession on one thing thanks to fear porn.
We are in a situation where we were managed by some entity to lead to totalitarianism. Once they are promoted as leaders, they can say anything and the crowd will believe it and follow blindly.
These leaders, like Fauci, can say anything. Even if you show a video of Fauci lying, they won’t believe it.
Mass psychosis may have developed to a point that totalitarianism is coming. Look at Austria and Australia.
We can break through to people by showing them that we are looking at a totalitarian motive. Bill Gates, Black Rock, and so on are a bigger threat. Using that, you can break the trance.
Our society is sick in “a bunch of ways,” but there is hope.
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