It’s starting to look like a revolution in France. Nationwide strikes and protests from some of France’s leading unions are underway against a highly controversial pensions reform plan that has seen millions come out on the streets against it.
His cabinet says the changes are essential to prevent the pension system from falling into deficit and younger people from carrying the burden. The unions say small increases in contributions could resolve the problem.
The unions drive these latest protests. They say they are protecting pensions. That’s not the whole story. Many people on the streets are opposed to capitalism. Only what France has is not capitalism. It’s a perverted version of it.
Some protesters are on the streets because Macron used article 49.3 to push the reforms through 11 times. It’s an abuse of power the French don’t want. They say he is acting like a dictator. French are unhappy about NATO, the war, pandemic restrictions, and the globalist overreach, but we don’t know how much that weighs into this.
Pundit and Newsmax host Benny Johnson said, “The sum of all fears for globalist technocrats is happening RIGHT NOW in France. The French firefighters and riot police have now JOINED the protesters to stand against tyrant World Economic Forum muppet Emanuel Macron. Globalists on life support. Coming to your city soon…”
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We don’t know if the riot is about that at its core since we don’t have people on the ground, but Macron is involved in the World Economic Forum. And the French people demand to be heard. Using emergency powers to force through reforms or ideology is what Biden is doing to the USA. Biden’s destroying the nation.
French President Emmanuel Macron stands by his controversial pension reform in his first public remarks since pushing the measure through without lawmakers’ approval. He moved the retirement age from 62 to 64 using an emergency rule.
During a televised interview on Wednesday, Macron insisted that his only mistake was “failing to convince people” of its merits.
“When I started working, there were ten million retirees; today, there are 17 million, and by 2030 there will be 20 million,” he said. “Do you really think we can continue with the same rules?”
The president criticized his predecessors, saying he “could sweep the dust under the rug like many before,” but instead had opted to take the heat for the long-overdue changes.
“This reform is not a luxury or a pleasure; it’s a necessity for the country,” Macron said.
“If I have to shoulder unpopularity today, I shoulder it,” Macron said, ready to be unpopular.
Macron dismissed allegations he is undemocratic by invoking Article 49.3 of France’s constitution. He called protesters undemocratic, denouncing violent riots.
“When groups, as they have this week, use violence without any rules because they are not happy with something, then that is no longer a democracy,” Macron said.
The cabinet almost fell this past week.
A Constitutional Council could overturn the reform, though most think that unlikely.
In an address at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum in Thailand in November 2022, Macron said that the world needs “a single global order” to deal with the trade conflict between Communist China and the United States. He said it is a situation that Macron bemoaned as forcing other countries to choose sides.
We have a US dictator, and that one-ruler idea doesn’t seem to work. He’s pushing us into wars we will likely lose.
Elected president of France in May 2017 on the “Renaissance” Party ticket, Macron had previously been a member of the Socialist Party. While he has rebranded himself with a different political party, his dedication to the cause of world government — a goal that has been a socialist cornerstone since at least the days of Karl Marx — is evident.
Cars are burning in Paris after the protest about new pension reforms. #Paris #parisprotest
— 👑 Queen Nat 👑 (@QueenNat_35) March 23, 2023
This is starting to look a bit more like a warzone… #France #Paris
— Arthur Morgan (@ArthurM40330824) March 24, 2023
Is he acting like a dictator? He doesn’t think so.
Over a million protesters call for “Macron the Dictator” to be removed. Why? Macron used an emergency law to impose reform without input from the Senate / Parliament. Macron used this tool 11 times in a year. The French are fed up with this abuse of power.
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) March 24, 2023
Radio Genova pointed out that Macron makes his statements wearing an € 80,000 watch. He was foolish.
Macron while asking for sacrifices from the French people realizes he is wearing a € 80,000 watch and like a magician makes it disappear under the table. Unworthy.
— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) March 24, 2023
NOT ON BBC NEWS.#Paris police charge and attack protestors with batons 🤬
— Anti Lockdown Alliance(GLOBAL) (@Demo2020cracy) March 11, 2023
Some firefighters and police are joining the protesters and rioters, making it look more like a potential revolution than protests.
Many police officers in France are stepping down and standing with the protestors. #Paris
— Ihtisham Ul Haq (@iihtishamm) March 23, 2023
🚨🇫🇷ALERTE INFO – Les pompiers fumigène en main se dirigent vers la Place de l’Opéra à #Paris.
— AlertesInfos (@AlertesInfos) March 23, 2023
🚨🇫🇷ALERTE INFO – Les pompiers arrivent sur la Place de l’Opéra à #Paris, fumigène en main, accueillis par la foule de manifestants qui scande “tout le monde aime les pompiers”.
— AlertesInfos (@AlertesInfos) March 23, 2023
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