Readers might be interested in the plight of Roger Stone, whose deaf wife was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. The vicious Left targeted him because of his support of Donald Trump and his refusal to lie to get an indictment against Donald Trump. It is so evil.
From the moment that President Donald Trump recognized that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his thugs targeted me for prosecution on completely fabricated charges of lying to Congress and when I refused to be pressured into falsely testifying against President Trump, subjected me to a legal railroading in a DC Trial, my wife and I have been attacked in over SIXTEEN totally baseless, unsubstantiated, groundless but entirely sensationalized civil lawsuits filed by crackpots, disgruntled leftists and hysterical Democrats.
Despite there being no evidence whatsoever to support these defamatory but baseless lawsuits, the real purpose of these civil suits Is to continue to destroy my family financially as well as dragging my name through the mud yet again, since the dismissal of the lawsuits never receives the same fake news media coverage as the announcement of the filing of the lawsuits which are continually reported as if they were legitimate and fact based!
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So far, thanks to the many patriots who have contributed to the Stone Defense Fund I have won dismissal in ELEVEN cases but still face legal action in another FIVE bogus cases.
It’s bad enough that my wife and I lost everything including our home, our savings, our insurance and – for two years – my ability to make a living. The cost of being censored, deplatformed and demonetized on the Internet has made getting back on our feet financially extraordinarily difficult. The massive legal costs of defending ourselves is designed to bankrupt and destroy us.
I have no choice but to mount a legal defense in every one of the remaining cases, particularly the completely bogus lawsuit against me by the IRS and the Biden Department of Justice in which they falsely claim that I have either hidden assets or under declared income to the IRS. Fortunately, this will go to trial in Miami before a judge who wasn’t appointed by Barack Obama. The charges are so completely inaccurate that my lawyers will demand formal sanctions and disbarment for the dishonest federal prosecutors who filed the lawsuit.
Just last week a George Soros funded left wing front group, “The Lawyers for Civil Rights Under Law” filed a completely baseless lawsuit against President Trump and me, falsely blaming us for the January 6 disturbance at the US Capitol which looks more and more like a FBI set up everyday. Needless to say this latest defamatory lawsuit is baseless as well!
Despite these lawsuits being groundless if I do not mount a legal defense the court will enter a default judgment against my wife and I. That is why I have no choice but to appeal to you for a contribution to the Stone Defense Fund. I will never give up fighting but I cannot afford the lawyers I need without your help.
The fact that my wife is battling stage 4 cancer and that our finances are already stretched thin by the cost of the all natural, holistic and homeopathic cancer therapies which are most definitely helping her, has not deterred the drooling leftists who are still apoplectic about the fact that President Trump had the courage to save my life.
Please consider a contribution to the Stone Defense Fund today. I have no intention of settling any of these lawsuits because I will never agree to admit doing something I am completely innocent of. Only with your help can I defeat these corrupt Democrats and their never-ending smears and legal harassment.
God Bless You,
PS- If you aren’t comfortable using your credit card to make a donation on the internet you can make your check payable to the ‘STONE DEFENSE FUND‘ and mail it to us at 1007 North Federal Highway, Box 405, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33304. Thank you.
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