The Tape Accusing LBJ of Having JFK Assassinated


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Did Lyndon Johnson hire Mac Wallace to assassinate JFK? It is a rumor that has gone on for years. He was said to be ruthless and corrupt. It is no secret that Johnson and Kennedy didn’t like each other.

The person who had the tape below is Shane Stevens. His grandfather, Billie Sol Estes, held the tape. Billie Sol Estes was a businessman, financier, and conman.

Roger Stone and Joan Mellen

Roger Stone said years ago that LBJ’s ally Mac Wallace was his hit man who killed Kennedy. Joan Mellen wrote a book debunking it, calling it a myth. I haven’t read either book. However, Wallace did kill John Douglas Kinser, a 33-year-old sophomore student at the University of Texas, who was having an affair with Wallace’s estranged wife. Johnson sent his lawyer to defend him. The prosecution didn’t provide a motive for the killing or a witness to the murder. Even so, the jury found Wallace guilty of murder with malice. The judge sentenced him to five years of probation.

Wallace allegedly killed others, including Henry Marshall.

Wallace’s car ran off the road in 1971, and he died.

The Tape of the DNC Director and Clifon Carter

Alex Jones produced what he described as a never-before-heard audio of the former Executive Director of the DNC and a close associate of LBJ, Clifton Carter, discussing how LBJ hired Mac Wallace to assassinate JFK.

Clifton Carter allegedly died in the fall of 1972, months after this tape was made. It was possibly taped in March of 1972. It was dead man’s insurance against LBJ and his allies.

JFK allegedly embarrassed LBJ. Ultimately, LBJ reportedly wanted Kennedy out of the way so he could win the election.

The tape shows the two allies of LBJ who think LBJ had Kennedy killed. There is no proof, but the tape is deeply concerning evidence. This theory of JFK’s death is considered a conspiracy theory, but the tape is new.

Why did these two men think LBJ was behind it? Did they have evidence? It would be nice to have some more information.

JFK had enemies, including his own CIA. Now that we have a President-elect who has come close to death at least twice, it makes one wonder. The nation has lost its naivèté.

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