The Unbelievable “Cartoonish Evil” of the Child Rape Gangs


Mr. Sam Ashworth-Hayes is the Telegraph’s leader, writer, and business columnist. He is glad that they can have this conversation about grooming gangs in public for the first time because X isn’t as censored as Twitter was.  Mr. Ashworth-Hayes said the Americans are sharing it, which helps.

He said the middle class didn’t know what was going on. Now they do. He added that it’s hard to believe this “cartoonish evil” is possible.

We must interject here. The US is no one to criticize. We have allowed sex traffickers to pour into our country unimpeded with infants through 18, male and female. The Biden regime allowed this. Remember when they banned DNA verification?

In Mr. Ashworth-Hayes’ articles, he talks about the nonstop assault on parents who tried to rescue their children from these grooming gangs. Children were doused with petrol and told they’d be lit on fire.


Greater Manchester Police curtailed the scope of inquiries into grooming gangs to limit the number of offenders found.

When a child in Bradford “married” her abuser in a traditional Islamic wedding, her social worker attended the ceremony.

When taxi drivers were shown to be abusing children, the taxi licensing council decided to stop enforcing licensing rules in case stopping the predators was seen as “racist.” The council then arranged for the girl to be fostered by his parents.

JK Rowling wrote the following:

The details emerging about what the rape gangs (why call them ‘grooming’ gangs? It’s like calling those who stab people to death ‘knife owners’) did to girls in Rotherham are downright horrific. The allegations of possible police corruption in the case are almost beyond belief.

One child was 14 when she gave birth to the abuser’s child. She was pregnant with his second child and living with her parents when he burned the house down, killing her and her unborn child, her mother, and her sister.

You will read a lot of, well, they asked for it about children!

Read on…

(1) Politically aware people knew about the gangs, but normal middle-class people didn’t. It was so absurd, and it sounded like a conspiracy theory, so people sort of wrote it off. This was aided by active efforts to imply that it was. Successful ones, at that: there was a Wiki article about how it was a “moral panic” until quite late last year.

(2) The stories people knew about came out in a drip-drip fashion, so the full extent of the crimes wasn’t really integrated into a single narrative. Rotherham blended into Rochdale and Oxford, etc. Some remarks that went viral were not reported in as much detail at the time and provided a fresh shock factor.

(3) Britain has had a spate of immigration/integration-related bad news stories, so there’s a greater willingness to discuss these right now.

(4) Elon Musk’s X suppresses less than Twitter, so we’re having the full, unfiltered conversation in public for the first time, and as a result, the Americans are noticing/joining in.

(5) There are quite a few stories ‘like this’ – vaguely known about state fuck ups like the Post Office and tainted blood scandals – that didn’t get the full weight of public attention in previous waves, then go viral when enough attention coordinates on them. This isn’t the first and won’t be the last. 2025 might be a bad year for government skeletons.

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