The Lies PC Politicians, Media, Celebrities Want Hidden


Tommy Robinson has warned about the threats facing the UK and the entire West, only to be silenced. He is now sentenced to 18 months in solitary for a non-violent ‘crime’ while violent radicals get lenient sentences.

These sentences are invitations to child grooming and rape.

Why is the word “grooming” banned, and rapists from Pakistan are allowed to rape children because the children drink or take drugs or are naive? This is quite an immoral cultural shift from trying to help children who get lost in substance abuse to making them into the guilty parties. And the man who exposes it is the criminal.

Tommy Robinson was jailed because he kept showing his documentary, Silenced. Elon Musk just posted the ‘criminal’ movie. It puts Mr. Musk and his X platform in jeopardy in Europe. According to new UK law (Online Safety Act), showing this film is a crime.

Robinson is put in solitary confinement.

Robinson has been warning of the grooming gangs for years. On most social media and in so-called legacy media,

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