The Who’s Terrifying Power Grab Of the Sovereignty of 194 Nations


We have reported three times – here, here, and here – about a dangerous, frightening, and most important story getting little coverage — it concerns the loss of the sovereignty of the United States and 193 other nations. The WHO or World Health Organization, is getting ready to move forward with a Pandemic Treaty. [Excellent video below that explains further]

It is not treated as a treaty but it is. It will be like the Paris Accord and will not require approval by 3/4ths of the Senate. The agreement appears to have an enforcement component, but it won’t matter, Biden and his comrades will abide by it. It is the end of sovereignty under Democrats.

Biden is a traitor to this country.


Bill Gates is one of the key operatives in this. Behind Bill Gates and The WHO is the Chinese Communist Party. Everything the Biden regime does damages the United States and benefits the CCP.

The flag of the country of China

The Biden regime has offered amendments to a current treaty that turns over pandemic policies for the United States to The WHO. In effect, it will turn over our sovereignty. The WHO will dictate public health policy, trade, travel, lockdowns, health passports, and more. It will come from The WHO, under the control of the CCP, and we will have to do what they say. Do we really want other countries making these decisions for us?

This turns our sovereignty over to world governance. It is the CCP model. All that we’ve suffered came out of China and they will dictate the future. That is what Joe Biden and his comrades want for us.

The next pandemic won’t be far behind.

The amendments and the vote will take place May 22-27. It is an enormous giveaway and none of our politicians are saying anything about it. Americans will be distracted by the most enormous flood of illegals in US history to begin on May 23.


The amendments, presented by Joe Biden, appear to give global authority over nations to the Director General. They give The Who an enforcement mechanism. The highlighted amendment strikes the section that requires sharing of deliberations and decisions with member states. Why is that stricken?

  • The WHO requests increased surveillance heading towards a one-health approach, which is a direct imposition of sovereignty.
  • A 48-hour time period to respond to The WHO if they declare a public health emergency, and if you don’t respond, it is assumed that you agree to their involvement. In other words, The Who may make unilateral decisions about health in your country.
  • Regional directors can also declare health emergencies of regional concern, as well as intermediate emergencies.
  • There will be the deployment of expert teams, and health care workers who will be brought into your country.
  • Almost any country can claim to be an affected party.
  • They agreed to have an emergency committee and their deliberations on whether you have a public health emergency or not are going to be shared with member states. In other words, shared with representatives, but not the public.
  • There is a compliance committee that will have investigative power within each country. It will impact sovereignty.
  • The Director General makes these decisions. It used to say in consultation with member states but that part has been struck off. So, this one person is going to be able to make these decisions.

The media is silent on this and it must be by design. They are willing to let the CCP and The WHO dictate policy and execute a power grab over our sovereignty.


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