There is NO PLAN to get Americans out of Afghanistan s 8/31 approaches


There is still no plan to get Americans out of Afghanistan. Americans are spread out throughout the country, not just in Kabul. As the Taliban keeps Americans and others who helped us from leaving Afghanistan, they are also saying we may not stay beyond August 31st.

The media-Left will try to distract you with Trump is responsible or Psaki made Trump look like a fool or other nonsense. Ignore them. The real story here is that Biden and his comrades are destroying the US, Afghanistan, our image, and he has no plan to get Americans out of Afghanistan.

Biden and comrades have blood on their hands. They have left terrorists, Russians, and Chinese communists to fill the vacuum.

The US is bringing out thousands of anonymous Afghans — new refugees. It’s a fraud to make it seem as if they rescued a lot of Americans.



We are ripe for another 9/11 with our borders open. Our military in Kabul — the Hamid Karzai International Airport — are sitting ducks should the Taliban, ISIS, al-Qaida terrorists decide to attack. People on the UK ‘no fly” list have already tried to board their planes.


Biden shut down Bagram first when it should have been last, if at all. The [Obama?]-Biden-Harris-Sullivan-Haines-Rice-Klain-Milley-Austin administration had no plan and never gave a damn about the people in Afghanistan — not Americans, not anyone.

The party of love and caring is a Marxist, power-mad, hate group.

The German Foreign Minister sees “no way” America can evacuate everyone it wants to. Doubtful if they can even get all US Nationals, let alone Afghans. Canadian special forces operating outside Kabul airport to help stranded evacuees: official, but NOT Americans.

Finnish Troops evacuated 106 Finnish and Afghan Nationals last night from Kabul Airport in Afghanistan. But Biden’s comrades won’t allow the US military to go get the Americans except for an occasional rescue helicopter.

Since August 14th, the RAF has flown 6,631 people out of Kabul Airport in Afghanistan.

Reportedly, the US continues to keep its allies in the dark in a lot of cases, even when there’s clearly evidence of what is happening.

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