There is something wrong with the J6 lynch committee. That’s the assessment of Brian York and Brit Hume.
“There’s a long tradition of adversarial process in congressional hearings/investigations,” reporter Brian York wrote on Friday. “You don’t have to compare it to a trial to know something is wrong with the J6 committee.”
Fox News host Brit Hume linked to York’s post and wrote, “I’ve covered Washington for more than 50 years, including 11 years covering Congress specifically. I’ve never seen a committee all of whose members were chosen by one party, and where there is no cross-examination or any attempt to present both sides.”
That has to be one of the biggest understatements about this panel.
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I’ve covered Washington for more than 50 years, including 11 years covering Congress specifically. I’ve never seen a committee all of whose members were chosen by one party, and where there is no cross-examination or any attempt to present both sides.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) July 1, 2022
What was worse is four people responded to the Twitter birdwatch fact check claiming Republicans wouldn’t participate and it is a bipartisan committee.
Obviously, having Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger represent Republicans is absurd. Both were chosen by Speaker Pelosi because they have axes to grind. They are Trump and Trump supporter haters. Republicans couldn’t participate when Speaker Pelosi refused to allow Rep. McCarthy to pick the Republicans for the committee.
The so-called fact checkers ignore the fact that it was one-sided, and there was no due process. There is no one to counter any of the information they are putting out.
Cassidy Hutchinson was the latest witness and she told an absurd, factless, unsubstantiated tale. She’s the Christine Blasey Ford of J6.
The entire performance is a fraud.