They Are Telling You What They Plan to Do to You with CR 1.0


The new upcoming GOP proposal reportedly has about four separate bills simply to keep the government open and fund critical areas such as farming and hurricane victims sleeping in tents in the snow.

The days of 1500-page bills must end. Citizens need to stop forcing our representatives to vote for them because a critical need for their state is in it. Americans also need to know how each representative votes and what they care about.

However, Schumer wants the original bad deal and won’t agree to anything less. Trump needs to drop the debt limit. The single issue bills are needed.

You can do a one-page bill:

Democrats Demand the Original Tyrannical CR

Democrats are angry about Elon Musk and X affecting political decisions, but X is We the People. Democrat Rep. from Massachusetts, Richard Neal, is beside himself that X quickly exposed what was in CR 1.0.

He says in the clip, “Your currency in this institution is your word. We reached an agreement! We came to modest achievements, and a Tweet changed all of it?”

“Can you imagine what the next two years are gonna be like if every time that Congress works its will and then there’s a Tweet from an individual who has no official portfolio, who threatens members on the Republican side with a primary? And they succumb?” he continued.

Yes, we can imagine. They write 1500-page bills to hide what’s in them. Lobbyists and special interests write them, but politicians don’t even read them. They don’t want anyone to read them. Vivek read it within 24 hours, so we didn’t have to.

Be the person who is informed, who says NO! Wikimedia Commons Lic.

The medical industrial complex had an empire in that bill, among a host of other terrible items, but nothing to stop illegal immigration. You will have to call hardened felons “justice-affected individuals” while anonymous criminals and terrorists pour into the country.

You will have guaranteed wars and 40% raises for Congress, but you can’t investigate them.

The censorship industrial complex’s Global Disinformation Index, run by hardcore leftists, gets funded for at least another year. They want to silence all opposition.

The leftists who took over the Democrat Party are telling you what they are going to do. Believe them.


Never Forget the Pandemic and How They Abused It

California’s proclamation of 34 bird flu cases, which were not contracted human-to-human, has caused deep concerns about where this is going. On top of that, Continuing Resolution 1.0 includes sections normalizing a medical tyrannical state. It includes mask mandates, lockdowns, quarantines, and everything we found ineffective and harmful. The administrative state used them to take our freedoms away. They changed the way government interacts with the people to a tyrannical one.

Please keep that in mind.

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