This is the real reason Hannity canceled Geraldo


On Tuesday, Geraldo appealed to the dictators’ club to intervene in the heated tensions between the United States and Iran, drawing moral equivalence. He seems to not realize this was an act of deterrence.

The U.N. hates us and Guterres is a communist.

There were a number of other offensive tweets and they began before Tuesday.

On Tuesday, The Daily Beast‘s Editor-at-Large and far-left Trump hater, Molly Jong-Fast advised Geraldo, “You need to go on @seanhannity, otherwise he won’t hear it.”

Geraldo wrote at 7:18 pm, “Thx I’ll be on with @seanhannity tonight counseling restraint & talking about these deeply disturbing developments.@elevrivera.”

By 7:38 pm, he was canceled. Hannity canceled him, but it wasn’t for the reported reasons which were Geraldo went too far in his tweets.

Most thought he was canceled because of his obnoxious tweets, but that wasn’t the case. Most of Hannity’s audience hoped Hannity canceled him for good. The reason he was canceled is Hannity had to make room for senators and congressmen.

Listen to the codswallop on Thursday:

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