Authorities have now named a suspect in the tragic murder of the son and wounding of the husband of Judge Esther Salas. Her son Daniel Anderl was shot through the heart and died. Salas’ husband Mark Anderl was shot multiple times and is in stable but critical condition.
The suspect is a former Cravath associate.
The suspected gunman took his own life in New York’s Catskills and was found in his car. He has been identified as lawyer and men’s rights activist Roy Den Hollander, federal sources said.
Hollander’s website explains that he takes “anti-feminist cases” to “help battle the infringement of Men’s Rights by the Feminists. He was found dead in Rockland County, NY, on Monday, according to sources.
Investigators believe Hollander shot himself hours after an attack on the North Brunswick, NJ, home of federal Judge Esther Salas.
Roy Den Hollander, 69, worked at the prestigious Cravath firm for several years in the late eighties before going out on his own Hollander. He had a case before Judge Salas in 2015.
Hours after the shooting, Hollander was found in his car with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in upstate New York. A FedEx package addressed to Salas was reportedly found in his car.
The Daily Beast writes:
Hollander described himself on his website as an anti-feminist. “Now is the time for all good men to fight for their rights before they have no rights left,” it said. …
For years, Hollander has been filing suits alleging that women get unconstitutional special treatment and pushing to outlaw Ladies’ Nights at bars and women’s studies programs at universities.
The case in Salas’ courtroom was filed in 2015 on behalf of the mother of a 17-year-old New Jersey girl who argued that the Selective Service System barring females from registering for the draft while making is mandatory for males was illegal.
Hollander traced his men’s rights activism to a “bitter divorce” in 2001 from a woman he married in Russia, The New York Times reported.
ABC 7 is reporting that investigators believe that Salas’s husband may have been the “intended target,” not the judge.
In 2011, Hollander filed for bankruptcy.
Judge Salas and her family:
That is what we know for now.
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