This is what’s in the socialist $1.2T infrastructure bill & the 17 GOP who voted for it


The package includes $550 billion in new spending. The rest is redirected spending that was already authorized by Congress for COV. The bill will add $256 billion to the deficit. It redefines infrastructure as socialist infrastructure and includes the heavy hand of fraudulent climate change cures. The $1.2 Trillion bill adds to the Democrats’ socialist agenda, making it easier for Democrats to get everything they want.

Large portions of the redirected spending come from unused dollars allocated by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and other COVID-19 pandemic relief measures.

Those are our tax dollars secured to help those suffering the financial after-effects of COV.

The biggest pay-for — about half of the $550 billion in new spending — is reallocated COVID relief funding. But that’s not an offset, its deficit spending, which Senator Lankford said we just don’t need any more of.

“Is this an emergency now that we need infrastructure all this additional money?” Lankford asked. “No, it’s not. It’s a want-to and so let’s-do kind of moment and I think that’s a problem.”

The  $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes:

More Wasted Dollars on the Unprofitable Amtrak

Amtrak will receive $32 billion for operations between the years 2022-2026, and $58 billion total. The state-owned corporation is a favorite of President Joe Biden, who was nicknamed “Amtrak Joe” for riding the train to work every day from his home in Wilmington, Delaware, and making sure it was continually funded. Hunter was one of the directors with no qualifications for the job.

Amtrak received $1.7 billion from the ARP, which passed in March. Before the bailout money, it was $1.6 billion in debt.

Drunk Driving Prevention

They are going to force vehicle manufacturers to install a drunk driving device although drunk driving is not a big problem. It will make cars more expensive.

The bill “requires passenger motor vehicles manufactured after the effective date of such standard to be equipped with advanced drunk driving prevention technology.”

It’s a mandate with no funding.

Diversity Recruitment

The Department of Transportation will receive $20 million from 2023-2026 to increase “awareness of career opportunities in the transportation sector” and “diversity, including race, gender, ethnicity, veteran status, and socioeconomic status, of professionals in the transportation sector.”

No kidding. That’s for real.

The secretary of transportation will also be able to “establish a pilot program to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee.”

Highway Tear-downs

The bill allocates up to $1 billion for highway tear-downs, an equity provision for which Biden originally requested $20 billion. They say it’s to resolve the problem of the racist highways. It’s actually leftist climate change items.

Local Block Grants/Pork, Selling Out the Federal Taxpayer

Key senators who negotiated the agreement will receive billions of dollars in pork for their states.

The Department of Transportation will fund “necessary reconstruction” of the Alaska Highway, a 1,387 mile-long road first built in World War II. The legislation provides for “an applicable competitive grant program.” Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski was part of the bipartisan group that negotiated the package.

She is selling out America to buy votes.

The Central Utah Project Completion Account gets $50 billion dollars. Mitt Romney is part of this deal. He is selling out the federal taxpayer for votes.

Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and Republican Ohio Sen. Rob Portman were members of the bipartisan group, and Manchin’s wife Gayle serves as a federal co-chair for the ARC. Republican West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, who voted for it, previously negotiated directly with Biden on infrastructure, and Republican Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell.

They are selling out their nation for $$$ for votes.

It’s bad enough only 53% of Americans pay federal taxes.

This is a big win for Democrats who will try to use it to win re-election. And they will still pass their huge multi-trillion socialist infrastructure bill.

Here are the RINOs who voted for the $1.2 trillion socialist infrastructure bill.

  • Roy Blount, Missouri
  • Richard Burr, North Carolina
  • Thom Tillis, North Carolina
  • Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia
  • Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
  • Susan Collins, Maine
  • Kevin Cramer, North Dakota
  • John Hoeven, North Dakota
  • Mike Crapo, Idaho
  • Jim Risch, Idaho
  • Lindsey Graham, South Carolina after he went out on Joe Manchin’s boat to party with Democrats.
  • Chuck Grassley, Iowa
  • Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
  • Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
  • Rob Portman, Ohio
  • Todd Young, Indiana
  • Mitt Romney, Utah
Tucker Carlson explains:

Donald Trump Warns the Republicans

Shortly before the vote, former President Donald Trump blasted the infrastructure package as a “carrot” for a “massive socialist expansion” that would fool Republicans into “caving” to Democrats.

The 45th commander-in-chief advised Republicans not to support the $1.2 trillion compromise package because House Democrats had tied the bill to the guaranteed passage of a $3.5 trillion budget deal.

“The RINOs in the Senate are delivering a big win by caving to the Radical Democrats on infrastructure. Once they pass this bill out of the Senate, it will sit in the House until they get steamrolled by the biggest government expansion in a generation,” Trump began, arguing that the second package would lead to “[t]ax increases on everyone, government run health care, more government run schools, amnesty for illegal immigrants, MASKS, and many more terrible socialist programs.”

“Nancy Pelosi has said NO INFRASTRUCTURE until they get everything else,” he added, referencing the House speaker’s ultimatum that she would sink the smaller bill if the Senate did not pass her larger bill through reconciliation.

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