Time for Some “No Justice! No Peace!”?
By Mark Schwendau
The origin of the protest chant, “No justice! No peace!,” is uncertain but most agree it came about in the 1980’s relative to black people who were victimized by white people without consequences. When people do not see a system of justice that is equivalent to all, trouble starts to brew for those seen as responsible for the inequity. America is seeing that now.
When talking about both non-violent and violent civil disobedience many experts agree that, in general, there are four phases or stages seen as to what has come about throughout history.
Unrest may occur due to events related to suppression, diversions, concessions, and disorder.
We have now witnessed many examples of this in just the last 3 years.
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In 2020 there was the suppression of the origin of the Covid-19 origin, the Hunter Biden laptop, and systematic widespread voter fraud in our General Election for President of the United States. There was the suppression of many of our rights.
In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic was used as a diversion to place illegal ballot drop boxes all over the United States to collect votes, many of which had no chain of custody or an illegal chain of custody (mules). The SCOTUS has since ruled them all illegal.
In 2020 Americans made concessions with their Constitutional rights for Covid-19 being placed in lockdowns and prohibited them from free association and assembly. They were sold the idea of an experimental drug as a vaccine with no informed consent statement and without knowing the ingredients of the drugs. Proven drugs of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were illegally prohibited from the market. We were to believe the only cure for a virus with a less than 1% mortality rate was to take the experimental “fauxccines”.
In 2020 we saw examples of disorder in the BLM and ANTIFA protests, which seemed more about rioting and looting than mourning the loss of human life. In early 2021 we saw the Capitol protest, which turned into a riot. Few of those engaging in these crimes faced any consequences.
The media lied then about people defending the Capitol being killed when the reality was only several Trump protesters were killed, one shot by a D.C. cop in the chest at point-blank range.
Some experts believe the origin and character of hostile outbursts follow a path of steps or phases as follows:
FIRST, the people must perceive a crisis exists and must assign responsibility for this crisis to an agency, group, or individual. Intolerance would be the keyword here.
The crisis today is the perception the justice system does not apply the law to all based on their relative political affiliation. This is now termed a “two-tier justice system.”
The people responsible are termed “socialist Democrats” and/or progressive liberals.
Their perceived crime is partisan discrimination.
The most passive form of a demonstration at this stage of civil disobedience is “non-compliance”. Going out in public without an N-95 mask during the Covid-19 lockdowns and pandemic is one recent example.
In this example, people may switch parties from Democrat to Republican to send a message of their displeasure.
At this stage, people are still operating as individuals.
SECOND, these disenfranchised people begin to organize to stop the ongoing scenario. Such group association with peaceful activities such as rallies and protests with prominent public speakers galvanizes the cohesiveness of the group and can draw in new people undecided from the fringes. A sense of comradery is established in learning that there are a large number of like-minded people in society.
The recent protests of the abortion rights people relative to the SCOTUS ruling on Roe v. Wade is a good example of this.
THIRD, the people realize the existing institutional mechanisms are inadequate to solve their problems because they are biased and unfair, and that must be changed, by force, if necessary.
For example, when the mainstream mockingbird media reads from Teleprompters the same phrase across all networks and platforms, “FBI search warrant shows Trump under investigation for potential obstruction of justice, Espionage Act violations,” without seeking comment from President Trump, that is a serious problem to the general public. Americans live with the premise we are all innocent until proven guilty and we are all entitled to due process to offer our side of an event.
Instead, President Trump has to take to alternative news sources and social media to tell his side as the mainstream news media is deemed worse than biased and worthless. It is deemed as a propaganda tool of those pushing a narrative for power and control like was done previous in Nazi Germany.
President Trump’s explanation has been this is a lie like all the other lies propagated before by the same group of sleazy people, and the truth of the matter is the DOJ and FBI were welcome to Mar-a-Lago to collect any materials that may have been mistakenly taken from the White House and he did not have any classified materials but only materials that were declassified by himself serving as president.
Two things the American people detest are bad people trying to frame good people as well as being lied to.
Americans also REALLY hate crooked cops!
When I was a teen boy of a church-going family my Chicago-born and raised father took the entire family to see the hit movie “The GODFATHER”. I was kind of shocked, but I guess Mom and Pop figured it was American history we needed to witness as they did as young children in the newspapers and on the radio.
The thing that shocked me the most happened after Police Captain Mark McCluskey (played by Sterling Hayden) a corrupt Irish-American cop, got shot in the throat while eating his spaghetti dinner.
The movie audience in the theater erupted into cheers and applause as I sat there, horrified both by the movie scene and the audience’s reaction to it!
The police captain’s perceived crime by the audience was having gotten into bed with the Tattaglia crime family to power up over the Corleone crime family to give them an advantage. The Corleone family was sending a message all the way up to the chief of police.
That very graphic movie seen can be seen here (WARNING – NOT FOR KIDS):
“The Godfather (3/9) Movie CLIP – Killing Sollozzo and McCluskey (1972) HD”
Since Merrick Garland is regarded as our “Top Cop”, I hope he reads this experience of mine and thinks before he acts in the future. I wanted to be a cop before I became an educator so this is very personal to me.
FOURTH, the people who have been meeting and communicating with one another to separate facts from fiction begin to organize and develop an action plan. These plans themselves often have their own stages of escalation, as we have seen in the recent past:
Sales of merchandise such as yard signs, flags, bumper stickers, hats, and shirts with a message.
Peaceful protest marches and stationary speaker rallies.
Expressing dissenting opinions and calling out hypocrisy in the media in print and voice.
Boycotting the economic interests of those pushing the narrative such that their product becomes tainted to the public. (i.e., Go woke and go broke.)
Merchandise is sold but now carries messages of hate and violence.
Protests give way to riots which may include arson, assaults, murder, rape, and vandalism.
Marshal law is declared to lock people down from free association, and weapon confiscation can begin.
Civil war ensues with an attitude of, “If it is us or them (to die), it is going to be them,” and, “This is my country, and you can’t have it!”
Most conservative Christians who truly do believe in God do not want to see violence and killings in their lifetime. They want to be spared, making the choice of “fight or flight.” Still, it would be a big mistake for people like Chris Wrey of the FBI and Merrick Garland of the DOJ to assume Americans are going to sit idly by and watch this continuing sh*t show while not raising a finger.
What concerns me the most is Hillary Clinton coming out with a piece of her own $30 merch baseball cap on it that reads, “BUT HER EMAILS” as if to mock the current situation of former President Trump. It is a snarky way to remind us all of what she got away with which was so much more serious than anything President Trump has ever done…. I.E. use a private unsecured secret computer to conduct government business and then intentionally deleted over 30,000 emails after a government subpoena which constituted Contempt of Congress with no charges to follow. Former FBI Director James Comey was guilty of aiding and abetting in that miscarriage of justice when he downgraded the seriousness of her crimes.
Maybe President Trump should now sell a new cap, “BUT SHE’S A BLEACHBIT-CH”? A direct reference to her using software called “BleachBit” to scrub her electronic devices such that Congress could never recover what was on them
The sales of the two caps would be a good warning to Democrats of where the majority of Americans lie in what they want and what they think these days.
Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau
Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.” He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist. Mark is an award-winning educator who has published 7 books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles some of which can be found on the Internet. His father was a fireman/paramedic while his mother was a registered nurse. He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education. His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.
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