Fake News reporter Brian Williams will host election night. He’s worked his way out of the basement and will appear on NBC’s Prime video streaming service.
Williams will “be joined live by guests including prominent contributors across news and traditional media, representing a range of backgrounds and perspectives, to share real-time poll results and commentary while also referencing third-party news sources across all political affiliations,” the company said in announcing the program, which will kick off at 5 p.m. EST.
After more than four decades in the mainstream news business, Williams said an opportunity to work for Amazon “feels like the next big thing.”
“And the global marketplace of Amazon is a natural home for this first-of-its-kind venture,” he said in a statement. “Together, we will follow the storyline on election night wherever it leads us.”
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Williams was banished from the air after admitting to making up fake stories when he anchored NBC News.
Brian Williams’s Top Fake News Hits
Brian Williams claimed the helicopter he was aboard was forced down after being hit by an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) during the Iraq invasion in 2003. But military personnel who were there at the time claim Williams was not in the Chinook helicopter that received shrapnel damage from the RPG. Brian Williams then admitted his “mistake” in a lengthy Facebook post, blaming the ‘fog of memory over 12 years.’
Williams should be drinking buddies with Kamala and Tim1
He was busted when vet Lance Reynolds commented on the “Nightly News” Facebook page, where the clip was posted, “Sorry, dude, I don’t remember you being on my aircraft. I do remember you walking up about an hour after we had landed to ask me what had happened.”
Then he lied for a while about that.
The Armed Gangs Tale
He also said armed gangs constantly threatened him and his terrified crew while they were covering Hurricane Katrina.
He and his crew even needed gun-toting feds to get out alive, Williams said on NBC’s “Dateline” in 2010.
“I’ve been around a lot of guns and a lot of dead bodies and a lot of people shooting at people to make dead bodies,’’ Williams said at the time.
“But you put them all together, and you put it in the United States of America — and boy, it gets your attention.”
Unfortunately for Williams, the armed gangs’ stories were debunked years before.
Many Other Allegations
There are many allegations claiming Williams has a history of embellishing his experiences, including saving puppies from a fire, seeing dead bodies float down a river during Hurricane Katrina, and Katyusha rockets whistling past his helicopter while he reported from Israel in 2006.
Maureen Dowd wrote that NBC execs were warned a year before he was kicked off the air that Brian Williams was “constantly inflating his biography.” Interestingly, some so-called “insiders” allege Williams had been lying for years, and NBC knew all about it. If true, why did NBC choose to do nothing about it?
Apparently, the Peacock Network doesn’t care about the truth or they just couldn’t find an honest reporter.
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