Trudeau Calls Truckers a Slew of Vile Names! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!


Good morning to everyone except blackface-wearing racist Prime Ministers who deflect from their own lifetime of racism by calling people who’ve never been in blackface, racists.

~ Twitter user

WHAAAAT? Justin Trudeau, who behaves in a most dishonest and disrespectful fashion, bizarrely claims the truckers are anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, anti-Black, homophobic, and transphobic. He’s delusional or a liar, pick one. All of these Alinskyites use the same playbook, whether it be in the States or in Canada and elsewhere.

He says Black Lives Matter is the right kind of protest!!! BLMers are violent communists who got $33 million in seed money from a white guy, George Soros.

“I have attended protests in the past when I agreed with the goals… Black Lives Matter is an excellent example of that. I’ve also chosen to not go anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens, and disrespect not just of science but of the frontline health workers and the 90% of truckers who have been doing the right thing to keep Canadians safe and put food on our tables,” said Trudeau.

“Canadians know where I stand.”

His career should be over. He didn’t really win the most votes last time but the way the ballots are configured, he kept his seat.

As for the honking, it must continue until Trudeau relents with his absurd mandates. This man needs to buy noise-canceling earpieces.

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