Trump Makes Fun of Beta Male O’Rourke with a Good Joke


President Trump called attention to Robert Francis Beto O’Rourke’s possible run for President in 2020 with a joke. The President was congratulating Ted Cruz on winning his seat back against Beta male O’Rourke when he mocked him.

“I thought you were supposed to win before you run for president,” Trump told reporters after meeting with Republican senators to negotiate a government funding bill, the Hill reported.

O’Rourke hasn’t ruled out a presidential run and polls in the top third of contenders, just behind plagiarizer Uncle Joe Biden and commie Bernie Sanders.

What a crew.

The fake Hispanic O’Rourke is a “flake” according to Trump. In October of 2017, he tweeted:

“Watched the debate last night & Beto O’Rourke, who wants higher taxes and far more regulations, is not in the same league with Ted Cruz & what the great people of Texas stand for & want,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Ted is strong on Crime, Border & 2nd A, loves our Military, Vets, Low Taxes. Beto is a Flake!”

Beto is a pathetic candidate. No doubt about it.

Look, kids, I can skateboard, so vote for me:
As pathetic as he is, he’s dangerous.

Robert Francis O’Rourke Is the Most Dangerous Socialist in America

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