Trump warns of “Harsh Measures” over Democrats & the border


President Trump tweeted a warning to the Democrats in Congress this morning, explaining that they “must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken.”

It’s not clear what the harsh measures are, but we are pretty sure the Democrats won’t close the loopholes. First of all, they don’t care about the negatives of unfettered illegal immigration, those are votes. Secondly, they are too dug in, and can’t give in.

The President’s options include more emergency actions, like closing the border. He might have additional rules he will try to put in place.

Something has to be done and soon. This invasion is unsustainable.

As Rep. Crenshaw said, a country has “the right to protect its sovereignty” and “we have no effective control of our border.” [Transnational gangs have control]


Look at some of the responises from the Twitter sewer.

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