Tucker’s Stark Warning About World War


Tucker Carlson is very afraid that the people who have tried to stop Donald Trump for eight years out of hatred won’t stop at creating a war to do it. In the transcript and clip below, he explores the thinking in D.C. and the greed and craven desire for power that drives them.

The Only Way Left to Stop Trump

“I am very concerned that the people who have hated Trump for eight years and run out of ways to destroy him, indicting him well, first calling him a racist, spying on him with the federal Intel agencies, siccing the FBI on him, trying to put him in prison, then trying to kill him at least twice, probably more, actually, but at least twice, and that those people, out of options, have decided the only way to stop Trump, and the disclosure that a Trump administration will bring, once again, disclosure is what they fear having their crimes revealed, that the only way to stop Trump is with a World War.

“And so I’ve been pretty fixated on that for months, probably more than a year. I’ve just thought a lot about it. And I know a lot of the people involved, and they’re very, very, very focused on war.

They Don’t Care About Domestic Policy

“Permanent Washington doesn’t care about domestic policy. In case your viewers, I’m sure, know this, but just want to restate it, they don’t care about domestic policy. They don’t care about fixing the country, closing the borders, ending the drug crisis, getting the cartels out of, you know, the entire Southwest. They don’t care about that.

“What they care about is exercising power abroad, killing people because it makes them feel like God, and making money. And that’s where the money is, trillions of dollars.

“So they care about foreign policy. And I have been concerned, and remain concerned, that that group of people, which is basically everyone in DC, in both parties, wants Trump to take the country to war, either against Russia or, far more likely, Iran.

War with Iran Is World War

“And I think what people outside. I don’t know to what degree this is understood, but I just will say that a war with Iran is a world war.

“This is not 2002. Iran is now part of a coalition that includes the biggest economies in the world and the largest militaries in the world. So a war with Iran means a war in effect, or, you know, by proxy, but still a war with Russia, China, Turkey, and a lot of the rest of the world.

“So that’s a world war. It’s not just as simple as we’re going to take out their nuclear facilities. Okay, how are you going to do that? And, how are you going to, how are you going to ensure that that doesn’t destroy the United States in the process?

They Don’t Care If It Destroys the United States

“Of course, they don’t care whether it destroys the United States. That’s the actual answer. They don’t care. If they cared, they would pause and think about it.

“But anyway, I don’t want to be bitter about it, but to me, it’s really simple. Anybody who would even consider having a war with Russia or Iran should not be in any position of power at all in this administration or any other administration. It’s super simple.

Ukraine Is Obvious

“And I think Ukraine is especially obvious. Now, there is some debate on Iran, and I’m not, of course, endorsing Iran. I’m not a Shiite, but there’s really no debate at this point about the debacle that has been Ukraine. Ukraine is not going to win. It’s just completely destroyed Ukraine.

“It hasn’t crossed Russia. It’s really hurt the United States. So, anyone who can’t say that out loud should not have a job in the federal bureaucracy. So that’s my litmus test. It’s not about people or personality.

“Of course, I know them all, as I know you do, too, and I like a lot of them. I even like some of the guys I disagree with—one in particular I like very much. Nice guy, good guy. But it’s just, it’s a simple practical test for whether or not you should wield power.

“Do you have the requisite wisdom to lead my country? And if you’re still defending the war in Ukraine, you do not have the requisite wisdom to lead by Country. That’s My opinion.”

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