Yesterday, we reported the alarming results of the CDC’s safety signals analysis for the COVID-19 vaccine. They finally completed the analysis based on VAERS reports from December 14, 2020 – July 29, 2022.
A safety signals report is the “nation’s early warning system” for vaccines, per the CDC.
Usually, if the safety signals analysis shows unusual patterns, it is run through other systems to test validity. Systems such as the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) and Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project or the FDA BEST (Biologics Effectiveness and Safety) system serve as a check and confirmation.
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The number of serious adverse events reported for mRNA vaccines is 5.5x more than all serious adverse event reports since 2009.
The proportion of deaths (for adults) was 15.4% higher after COVID-19 vaccination vs. 2.5% after traditional vaccines.
It has worse results than the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine. That vaccine was quickly pulled from the market.
Blogger Chief Nerd pulled one of the more tragic stories from the pile. A two-year-old little girl died the day after receiving the ‘vaccine’ and flu shot.
Don’t even call it a vaccine any longer. It’s a shot and it’s experimental gene therapy.
That’s a tragedy that could well be linked to the shots.The reporting physician thought so. Parents tried to protect their little girl and trusted the system.
Death after receiving both COVID and annual Influenza vaccines
When is this going to stop? #ProsecuteFauci
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 7, 2023
Censorship and fake news kept her parents in the dark.
Vaccine Disaster: Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. James Thorpe: No more Covid-19 vaccine and its booster shots worldwide, Covid-19 vaccine is ineffective, toxic and deadly!
— 小龙猫jill (@Jill1976113) January 1, 2023
I recently took ivermectin as soon as I tested for COVID. Within 20 minutes, my sore throat eased up. After my husband took it, he said he felt better within the same timeframe. We’re not doctors and can only tell you about our experience. We also took hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin prescribed by a doctor, but it was the ivermectin that produced quick results fo rus.
Dr. Pierre Kory and his passionate testimony in December of 2020 about the effectiveness of Ivermectin. All he asked was that the NIH review the 30 studies that showed this. They ignored and censored him and this testimony is what got many twitter users Permanently banned.
— No Amnesty 2023 (@Petersparrot) December 31, 2022
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