Texas Dem who fled the state rather than do her job and negotiate a voter integrity bill actually thinks the photo below bears witness to the great sacrifice she is making.
You bet we’re recognizing & honoring our country’s heritage. As most Texans, tho, this is what we’re doing tonight—using whatever is accessible, uwashing our clothes in the sink. #txlege https://t.co/HC8uDSnWk5 pic.twitter.com/DoaatSCqmj
— Donna Howard (@DonnaHowardTX) July 16, 2021
Such a sacrifice for you! It’s hard to believe this story, considering this was a planned trip and you want us all to believe you only brought one outfit?
— Julie Budinich (@julie_budinich) July 16, 2021
r u ok
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) July 16, 2021
This is a super strange tweet — but as you know, you wouldn’t have to do this if you were at home in Texas doing your job. Instead of being here to do tourist things and gaslight about election bills not actually accomplishing anything.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 16, 2021
Thank you for your huge sacrifice. Seeing your sink laundry in your nice hotel room makes me feel guilty for complaining about wearing my underwear 4 days/4 ways while flying combat missions in Afghanistan. Stay up on your cross, martyr.
— SP Mallory (@RealSPMallory) July 16, 2021