Tyrant Gov Gretchen Whitmer bashes Trump on NPR


Totalitarian Michigan Governor, who is under consideration as Joe Biden’s running mate, interviewed on NPR’s “All Things Considered” on Tuesday. Responding to the President claiming authority to re-open the government in a tweet, Whitmer said that “the government’s not going to be open via Twitter.”

“We’re going to have to make decisions based on the best science, the best medical advice and what’s in the best public health of the people of our individual states,” she said. “We’ve had to act unilaterally at the state level, and we’re probably the best ones to be able to make a decision when it’s time to safely reengage our economies.”

“And I’m hopeful that my colleagues are listening to the best medical minds they have in their states, and we’re all thinking about doing it in the safest, smartest way,” Whitmer added.

President Trump didn’t try to open the government on Twitter, he merely tweeted what he said at a briefing.

As for the best science, it tells us not to use Hydroxychloroquine to help people afflicted with the virus, yet it does appear to help people suffering from the virus. The best science told us on March 9th to go on cruises if we’re young and healthy [Dr. Fauci].

Her comments came in response to remarks Trump made on Twitter on Monday, in which he asserted that it is up to the president, not governors, to decide when to ease restrictions that governors themselves have issued to curb the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

The president likely doesn’t have that power based on the 10th Amendment but he has worked with the governors and has never shown any signs of trying to usurp their authority. In fact, he made it clear from day one that he wanted the governors to take charge. The hacks know this.

It was the NY Times who insisted he order a nationwide lockdown even though he does not have that constitutional authority.

The governors have little fiefdoms. We all know that.


Whitmer is a strong candidate for the VP spot alongside Biden since she’s very far-left [has called for abolishing ICE]. And she is a totalitarian like Biden.

She took advantage of this virus to ban people from visiting neighbors or going to their second home. She won’t let Home Depot sell seeds. This is a perfect running mate for the socialist Democrat ticket.

David Harsanyi wrote about the totalitarians taking advantage of the virus on National Review:

Under what imperious conception of governance does Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer believe it is within her power to unilaterally ban garden stores from selling fruit or vegetable plants and seeds? What business is it of Vermont or Howard County, Ind., to dictate that Walmart, Costco, or Target stop selling “non-essential” items, such as electronics or clothing? Vermont has 628 cases of coronavirus as of this writing. Is that the magic number authorizing the governor to ban people from buying seeds for their gardens?

Maybe a family needs new pajamas for their young kids because they’re stuck a new town. Or maybe mom needs a remote hard drive to help her work remotely. Or maybe dad just likes apples. Whatever the case, it’s absolutely none of your mayor’s business.

It makes sense for places like Washington, D.C., Virginia, and Maryland to ban large, avoidable gatherings. But it is an astonishing abuse of power to issue stay-at-home orders, enforced by criminal law, empowering police to harass and fine individuals for nothing more than taking a walk.

Whitmer is making a name for herself. She made news bashing Trump for promoting Hydroxychorloquine and banned doctors and pharmacists from prescribing it. Then she ordered barrels of the drug and pretended she didn’t ban it really.

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