UK Parliament to Summon Musk to Explain His Role in Their Riots


Grok image of Elon Musk in the UK Parliament

It appears the UK censorship demons have decided to summon Elon Musk before the UK Parliament to answer questions about X’s role in the summer riots and the rise of AI. They’ve threatened to do so, and one police chief is considering arresting him.

Imagine the arrogance it takes even to think it.

Meta and TikTok will also be summoned.

Musk said they will be summoned to the US to answer for their censorship of Americans.

They use corrupt outfits of self-appointed censors like Newsguard. Newsguard hunts through the sites to find errors or lie about the articles and then hands the name of the company over to the British Disinformation Index, which forms a blacklist for ad companies, so they can’t make money. It’s just one example of how the Brits are trying to take our 1st Amendment away.

The Brits claim Musk was spreading disinformation. However, they didn’t bother to tell people who killed those children and why.

Remember the London police commissioner who threatened to extradite and arrest Musk? His name is Mark Rowley. Who does he think he is? He has a bloated sense of self.

If X affects the UK government, they can question him. However, to say he influenced a riot is absurd. They potentially want to jail him for bad X posts.

An al Qaeda-tied radical from Rwanda slaughtered little girls in England, which set off the riot. Prime Minister Starmer decided the way to handle it was to overcharge the Brits involved in the riot. One popular meme maker, with no police record, was put away for three years for saying people should go to the town where the riots took place. He didn’t say to riot.

Elon posted on X that he thought a Civil War in Britain was inevitable.

During the unrest, Musk addressed far-left Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer on the platform. Muks said that “civil war is inevitable” in the UK.

It’s his opinion, and it’s not outlandish.

The Brits in charge, not the people, created the mess and want to blame other people. They hope to silence inconvenient speech. We already fought a revolution over authoritarianism.

They are boldly going where no one has gone before. They are attacking the richest man in the world who is working for the President of the United States. Brilliant, simply brilliant. Don’t they have some more important things to do, like trying to not start World War III?

The question is, should he go? What do you think?

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