Unelected WEF Elites Want the Peasants Out of Their Cars


Winnie Yah, the Lead of Responsible Sourcing for the World Economic Forum, foresees a need for a lot more minerals if we are to get to net zero. To get this clean energy revolution off the ground, she believes the biggest bang comes with terminating or restricting the private ownership of cars.

Rearview of parked cars Car dealership office.

The WEF agrees that we can recycle or mine minerals, but the route we must take to complete the circular economy is to go from owning to using. It’s not only cars. It’s basically everything. The plan is to design cars and cities around sharing in lieu of ownership.

These people make up nonsensical terms like ‘circular economy,‘ and the terms are simply created out of whole cloth by academics to fit their worldview. Restricting everything the peasants do is their main objective. The circular economy depends on it.

According to the elites, we barely use our cars, especially the English. Yah writes, Most are barely driven, and a universal model that will take consumers “from owning to using” their cars is the way forward.

They want you to sell your car and walk or car share.

Car sharing platforms such as Getaround and BlueSG have already seized that opportunity to offer vehicles where you pay per hour used.

They give an example. Car sharing is made possible by new keyless unlocking features. A design process that focuses on fulfilling the underlying need instead of designing for product purchasing is fundamental to this transition. This is the mindset needed to redesign cities to reduce private vehicles and other usages.

They also suggest people buy durable products that they only need to buy once. Remanufacturing old products is another priority. They are talking about restricting everything that gives pleasure and advances society.

Who gave these people the authority to make these determinations? Why do they keep their private jets, yachts, and mansions?

The IEA called for a 10-point plan back in March, as reported by Breitbart, to lower demand for fossil fuels now that we’re starting a war with Russia. Some of their ideas are to get an EV, but they didn’t explain how we keep them on the road after they destroy electricity which runs on fossil fuels. Other suggestions are to walk, take public transport, ride a bike, don’t drive on Sunday, work from home three days a week, share your car, take a train, avoid business travel and so on.

Who are these people to come up with a 10-point plan for the world? Get lost.

The Progressives are actually de-growth Regressives, but not for themselves, just you and I, the peasants. If they have to exaggerate a pandemic or start a war or two to make it happen, so be it.

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