The University of Pennsylvania has gone stark-raving mad. They nominated a bio-male who dates women and has all his male parts for the 2022 NCAA Woman of the Year award. They’re misogynists – women haters.
This is all perfectly normal just like putting rat poison on your eggs in the morning.
The NCAA announced all 577 nominees — up to two females student-athletes per eligible school — on Thursday.
The award was established in 1991 and meant to recognize “female student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility and distinguished themselves in their community, in athletics and in academics throughout their college careers.” Misogynists see it differently
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As a bio-male, Thomas has distinct and, some say, unfair advantages over the women he is in competition with. Critics say he’s stealing honors that rightfully belong to women.
Prior to transitioning, Thomas was a member of the men’s swimming team at UPenn but bombed. Many people, including 16 people from Lia’s own team, penned a unanimous letter to university officials asking them to support stricter rules for Thomas and other future transgender athletes.
“However, we also recognize that when it comes to sports competition, that the biology of sex is a separate issue from someone’s gender identity,” the letter read, “Biologically, Lia holds an unfair advantage over competition in the women’s category, as evidenced by her rankings that have bounced from #462 as a male to #1 as a female.”
One teammate said Thomas is “mentally ill”.
Outkick’s Ian Miller writes:
This incident is an unfortunate victory for woke politics over common sense. UPenn clearly felt that the benefits of signaling their commitment to progressive ideology was worth further destroying any semblance of competitive fairness.
Thomas inarguably has inherent biological advantages over female swimmers, especially having only transitioned a year ago. Recognizing these accomplishments delegitimizes the award and insults the lifelong biological women on UPenn’s team forced to swim at a massive disadvantage.
There’s simply no reasonable explanation for making Thomas the nominee other than political motivations.
Author, journalist, and researcher Abigail Schrier writes: It isn’t ‘inclusion’ that leads the Ivy League to pull stunts like this. It’s misogyny – and utter contempt for the truth.
Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch describes it as “a direct attack on its female athletes.”
Republicans condemn the misogynists as bringing about “the end of women’s sports.”
Could the $54 million in gifts to UPenn and the Penn Biden Center have been a motivator for this insanity?
As this pastor says, there are men and women.