UPenn Misogynists Tap Bio-Man as NCAA’s Woman of the Year


The University of Pennsylvania has gone stark-raving mad. They nominated a bio-male who dates women and has all his male parts for the 2022 NCAA Woman of the Year award. They’re misogynists – women haters.

This is all perfectly normal just like putting rat poison on your eggs in the morning.

This nominee is a guy.

The NCAA announced all 577 nominees — up to two females student-athletes per eligible school — on Thursday.

The award was established in 1991 and meant to recognize “female student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility and distinguished themselves in their community, in athletics and in academics throughout their college careers.” Misogynists see it differently

As a bio-male, Thomas has distinct and, some say, unfair advantages over the women he is in competition with. Critics say he’s stealing honors that rightfully belong to women.

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