Due to a sloppy investigation of a recruiting program known as G-Rap, innocent soldiers who merely gave advice were slapped with records as felons. The army never even told them. They found out when they went for jobs requiring licenses or applied for a gun permit. Now, the Pentagon will do nothing about it.
The government established recruitment programs that financially compensated recruiters in 2005. The National Guard Recruiting Assistance Program and The Army Reserve Recruiting Program were called the g-rap program (guard recruiting assistance program). It was discontinued in 2012 due to some fraud and mismanagement. There is disagreement about how widespread the fraud was. A lawyer for soldiers who were mislabeled as felons said that given the program’s size, it wasn’t massive fraud.
Some recruiters were manipulating data and getting kickbacks. Unfortunately, innocent soldiers were put on the list of corrupt recruiters without ever being involved in the corruption.
The lawyer for the soldiers, Doug O’Connell, said the investigation was very sloppy. The lawyer said thousands of soldiers involved in the g-rap program were slapped with unwarranted criminal records.
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The military has a system where they can “title” you whether you are convicted or officially charged. They even submitted these names to the FBI registry.
The investigators of g-rap were sloppy. they would call recruited soldiers and ask who they first spoke to. It was eight to ten years after the fact. If they only remembered the recruiting assistant’s name, that is the person who was labeled a felon instead of the recruiter. Often, the name was only of a person who simply offered advice.
The investigation included superficial calls that were not checked or followed up. People were never arrested or charged or even told they were given this label, but they had a record. One man couldn’t get a gun and had no idea he was on the list of g-rap felons.
One man appealed. However, the army did not respond within the time frame. As a result, he was forced to withdraw from the complaint even though the army violated the time frame. He now can’t get promoted.
It’s keeping innocent people who go for jobs requiring licenses from getting licensed because it looks like an open criminal case.
These men never even knew they were investigated, much less given a record as a felon. There was no notification or due process, just a sloppy investigation for people who only offered advice as assistants to the recruiter.
The Pentagon testified before Congress to an outrageous number of felonious recruiters in the g-rap program, and they found them – perhaps illicitly in many cases due to an incredibly sloppy investigation. Government strikes again. This is the government Biden wants to put in charge of every aspect of our lives.
Ten years have passed, and the investigation continues. “Of the 106,364 soldiers who received payments under G-RAP, approximately 86,000 soldiers had been reviewed as of Feb. 4, 2014, and approximately 84,800 soldiers had been cleared of any wrongdoing. The cleared soldiers represented 98.5 percent of the total number of soldiers reviewed as of that date.”
The fraud is mostly on the government’s side.
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