Arizona AG Refers True the Vote to the Biden FBI and IRS


As we mentioned over the weekend, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich referred True the Vote to the FBI and the IRS for claiming they never produced promised voter fraud data. Yet, True the Vote is the company that first accused Konnech of storing US election data in China. No one investigated that. Konnech is a voting machine company run by CEO Eugene Yu.

This information about Bronovich came out in the Eugene Yu fraud trial filing. Yu, a Chinese immigrant, is accused of using the software company that gave “super administrator” privileges to contractors in China. The firm stored US data in China as well.

The Filing:

According to the Texas Tribune, Konnech sued True the Vote for claiming, among other things, that they stored US election data on a server in China:

In addition, the complaint says, True the Vote, Engelbrecht, and Phillips “falsely claimed” they discovered Konnech had stored data on an unsecured server in Wuhan, China, “which Defendants hacked into and stole data from,” including personal data on 1.8 million poll workers “which they claim is a vehicle for the Chinese Communist Party to breach U.S. elections.” 

The charging document, filed in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles on Thursday, claims that a project manager in August “wrote that any employee for Chinese contractors working on PollChief software had ‘super administration’ privileges for all PollChief clients.”

True the Vote claims it has already shared the data with Arizona prosecutors, something the letter from Brnovich’s office asking for an investigation calls “patently false.”

“TTV alleges it has in its possession geolocation data from a number of mobile devices showing those mobile devices making several trips in which it is said people are walking to, from, or past ballot drop boxes,” Chief Special Agent Reginald “Reggie” Grigsby wrote in the letter.

“Information has not been provided as to the specific location, whether or not there is in fact a drop box at that location, nor is there any information on the person(s) who may be in possession of the mobile device. TTV did not provide any video evidence to support claims of ballot box stuffing. TTV is adamant it has evidence of ballot stuffing and voting fraud. However, when asked to provide the information, which Ms. Engelbrecht and Mr. Phillips promised to do, TTV never provided the information.”

Brnovich was charged with investigating election fraud, and all he found was True the Vote. Other than that, he found no sign of fraud in the 2020 election. He sounds like a sleeper for the Democrat Party.

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