US Demands Narco-Terrorist Venezuela Sell Oil to the US


U.S. officials demanded the narco-terrorist state of Venezuela supply at least a portion of oil exports to the United States. It will be part of any agreement to ease oil trading sanctions, Reuters reported. If President Maduro wants to steal gold and sell drugs, they better sell their dirty oil to us.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he welcomed support for increased oil production by the United Arab Emirates to fill gaps in supply, The Hill reports. It won’t come cheap. Oil’s over $130 a barrel and climbing.

U.S. diplomats are searching far and wide for oil exporters. They will NOT seek increased production of U.S. oil and gas. It doesn’t conform to the narrative. The American poor and middle class will pay the price. We are told we want to do this for Ukraine’s borders (not US borders, of course).

Venezuela has been under U.S. oil sanctions since 2019 and could reroute crude if those restrictions were lifted.

U.S. officials made clear their priority was to secure supplies for the United States, the people told Reuters. The officials told their Venezuelan counterparts they’d relax U.S. sanctions. However, it’s conditional on Venezuela shipping oil directly to the United States.


The sanctions had specific goals to limit Venezuelan President Maduro’s criminal activities and human rights abuses.

U.S. sanctions are designed to ensure that Maduro and his cronies don’t profit from illegal gold mining, state-operated oil operations, or other business transactions that would enable the regime’s criminal activity and human rights abuses.

For example, the oil sanctions are designed to “to cut off those sources of financial income and prevent the oil industry from being exploited for patronage,” State Department’s Carrie Filipetti told a U.S. Senate committee in 2020.

So, if Venezuela wants to expand its drug businesses and other criminal activities, it must sell us oil. Eventually, the US will be dependent on them. It’s a good deal for them and a bad deal for the U.S.

The Hill and The New York Times: Major companies are exiting Russia. It’s being called a “retail exodus.” Instead, we will get oil from a narco-terrorist state. And, eventually, Iran, a nation that calls for ‘death to the U.S’.

One of the greatest movie lines:

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