US Puts Nuclear War on the Table: The World Would Be Destroyed


The US, which currently does not have a working president or vice president, is in talks to return Ukraine’s nuclear weapons to them. This is a dangerous escalation.

According to the Wall Street Journal, returning nuclear weapons is on the table. The US leaders, whoever they are, plan to send billions of dollars in weapons and cash to Ukraine.

Additionally, the Pentagon said it will deploy US military contractors in Ukraine to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces maintain and repair the weapons systems provided. The ban has been lifted. This is a serious escalation.

This refers to both the repair of F-16 fighters and Patriot air defense systems. These specialists will operate far from the front lines and won’t participate in combat. Contracts with these contractors are planned to be signed before Biden leaves office.

It means they have troops on the ground, no matter how they phrase it.


According to media reports, some US officials have suggested that Biden might return nuclear weapons to Ukraine that were taken from it after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“That would be an instant and enormous deterrent. But such a step would be complicated and have serious implications,” The New York Times reports.

No, it won’t be. Russia will immediately use far superior nuclear weapons.

They are obviously trying to get Russia or one of their allies to strike first so the West can pretend they didn’t escalate this into direct war. This isn’t only direct war. This involves many nations that are nuclear. It is a nuclear World War III. At the same time, they are warning Donald Trump not to do anything before the inauguration or that he will be in violation of the Logan Act.  Meanwhile, we do not have a president.

We cannot say what motivates these lunatics. We leave that to the analysts, but what is clear is they are willing to go to a nuclear World War III. They aren’t stupid and have to know the risks. It is safe to say they don’t give a damn about Americans or any people in the world.

These are the people who want to castrate little boys, put drag queens in PK classes, allow the entire world to come in unvetted, and who spend without thought as we approach bankruptcy.

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