Utah bill would allow petitioners to recall senators [like Romney]


A Utah lawmaker has introduced a bill to recall senators [like Mitt Romney] who do not follow the will of the people.

Republican Utah state Rep. Tim Quinn introduced a bill to allow the state’s legislature to recall U.S. senators.  Quinn said the bill isn’t targeting anyone in particular. But to many of us, Romney is looking good for a recall since he has four more years to attempt to destroy the President.

Deseret News reports the bill will create a process by which a recall vote could go on the ballot after a petition by voters.

“I know that’s what’s going to be the narrative, Quinn told Deseret News when asked if the bill was aimed at Romney. “If it were, then it might make sense to have a sunset on it. That would not be the case.”

The bill, H.B. 217, could recall senators in the middle of their term.

“Six years is a long time,” he said, according to the Deseret News.

The proposed bar for putting a recall vote on a ballot is quite high, requiring the signatures of 25 percent of “the number of active voters in the state.” In addition, senators could not be recalled within the first year of their term, within a year of winning a recall election or within a year of the end of their term.

The bill would likely face a lengthy constitutional challenge. It looks like we’re stuck with Romney. This bill could prevent another Romney if it’s constitutional.

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