Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post published a crazy op-ed on Tuesday. It was written by Marquette University political science professor Julia Azari. Titled: “It’s time to give the elites a bigger say in choosing the president,” it promotes exactly what the title suggests.
Azari, concerned about the “Rocky Start” to the Democratic primary, suggests that the process of choosing the nominee should no longer remain with the people, but rather with the politicians.
That’s a winning proposition right there [sarcasm]. What is Congress’s approval rate — about 23%? At least they finally beat out cockroaches.
The author wants the “flawed” process corrected by allowing these elitists to bargain and make decisions in our stead. Don’t worry though, they would be instructed by voters.
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She says that what the system is not great at doing is choosing among the many candidates. Azari wants a process in which intermediate representatives — elected delegates — who allegedly know what their constituents want will bargain.
These same delegates won’t, however, be bound to specific candidates.
Azari suggests the implementation of “preference primaries,” to “allow voters to rank their choices among candidates, as well as to register opinions about their issue priorities.”
After a voting process, elites could choose a nominee based on information about what the voters want. [Of course, all of this relies on voters trusting these elites to not let selfish concerns enter into their thinking. And, we would have to trust they are objective.]
Azari thinks the idea is “labor-intensive and a little risky.”
Ya think!
The Post’s motto is “Democracy dies in darkness.” And they know how to kill it off.
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