WaPo Will Not Endorse a Presidential Candidate, Now or Ever


The Left is raging over The Washington Post refraining from endorsing Kamala Harris for president. Two editors quit over it, and X leftists are burning up the platform.

The most bizarre post is this one:

Endorsing Kamala Harris is independent? Huh?

Potato said it is because Jeff Bezos is afraid. We can’t say why, but Harris isn’t good for business or Amazon. The outlet said they won’t endorse in the future and are returning to their roots. Let’s hope so.

Maybe They Just Want to Be Independent

The Post’s chief executive Sir William Lewis wrote online that the newspaper would not endorse any candidates in future elections.

“We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates,” he said.

“We recognize that this will be read in a range of ways, including as a tacit endorsement of one candidate, or as a condemnation of another, or as an abdication of responsibility.

“That is inevitable. We don’t see it that way. We see it as consistent with the values The Post has always stood for and what we hope for in a leader: character and courage in service to the American ethic, veneration for the rule of law, and respect for human freedom in all its aspects.”

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