We already know how defunding police works, Detroit did it


“Less police making less money means more random violence. Just ask the mothers of Detroit. I know one who hasn’t seen a cop in 5 months. That means no popsicles on the porch. Meanwhile, the biggest public works project in the Motor City is a jailhouse.”

~ Charlie LeDuff

We all can be Detroit!

Charlie LeDuff can tell you what will happen when the police are gone. It happened in Detroit, one of America’s most violent cities. They cut back the police force and funding during the 2014 bankruptcy.

Pulitzer Prize-winning Michigan journalist Charlie LeDuff told “The Story” Tuesday that Detroit should serve as a warning of what happens when a city chooses to “defund the police.”

“When we are talking about defunding police, which we did in Detroit because, remember, our famous bankruptcy [in 2013] that was balanced on the backs of the police officers and the firefighters and the paramedics, and the secretaries,” LeDuff told host Martha MacCallum. “We cut their wages and inflation cut more into their wages.

“It is not worth having the job,” LeDuff added. “We can’t find people to do the job. And I am telling you absolutely black lives matter, but children’s lives matter the most to all of us. And if we can’t keep them safe, we are not a society.”

The Sordid Effects

On Deadline Detroit last week, he wrote, the number of officers patrolling the Motor City’s streets has dropped by 20 percent from 2014 and half of those who remain have been on the job for fewer than five years.

“Funding for the police department has fallen 20 percent since then. Wages for police officers were cut 10 percent and have never recovered, accounting for inflation. Health benefits for retired officers were stripped away and pension payments deferred,” LeDuff wrote for Deadline.

He continued, “Consequently, Detroit is having severe problems attracting recruits and retaining cops. There are now 20 percent fewer officers patrolling the streets than in 2014. Half have less than five years on the job.”

Complaints against police over brutality are down 60%, but so is policing.

Violent crime has exploded and arrests are down 40%. Police don’t bother with some neighborhoods in fear of their lives and careers.

“The biggest public works project in Detroit since bankruptcy? A 2,000-bed jailhouse,” LeDuff says.


The woman in this clip is a police officer and the left is accusing her of crying because of a McMuffin. They obviously missed the point. She is frightened that her food was being tampered with because she is an officer. Our officers are terrified by a nation that abandoned them. It is gonna be a fantastic nation for criminals when the good officers quit.

She’s trending on Twitter because the hateful left wants her gun and her badge taken away as they pretend she is crying over a muffin. They are mocking her, threatening her, and calling her names. That’s what Twitter allows to trend these days.

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