WEF States That We Will Eat Bugs Voluntarily Soon


The UN, WEF, the EU, and Biden Administration want you to eat bugs in lieu of farming. That’s what they’re saying and the plan has been put into place.

WEF Bugs

The World Economic Forum (WEF) says we will all be voluntarily eating bugs soon. They explain why bugs as food are becoming popular.

A market research company, Meticulous Research, predicts the global market for edible insects could grow to $1.18 billion by 2023. That’s almost triple its current level.

They say the reason for its popularity is bugs emit less harmful gas than mainstream farm animals. They consume fewer resources than livestock. And as water becomes scarce (according to them), insects need less water.

This is as they destroy 30% of farming in Europe, Canada, and – soon – the USA.

The UN’s Agenda 2030  will cut 30% of land from farm production.

Biden’s 30×30 conservation plan cuts farming, grazing and logging by 30% by 2030. It is the WEF’s goal. It’s the UN’s goal as they move to global feudalism.

We’ll end up eating bugs because they are destroying our food supply.

Farmers have protested all over Europe but it goes mostly unreported by the legacy media.

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