WH Press Secretary Says Trump Kept Schools Closed


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP) unbelievably said Thursday former President Trump shoulders the blame for learning loss in schools during Covid-19 closures for “mismanaging the pandemic.”

“In less than six months, our schools went from 46 percent being open to almost all of them,” she continued.”That was the work of Democrats, in spite of Republicans,” she stated falsely.

KJP blamed the GOP for voting against the American Rescue Plan which offered $130 billion for schools, reports Daily Mail.

It’s an absolutely absurd lie. Democrats did everything they possibly could to keep schools shut down. They colluded with the teachers’ unions to keep schools closed. Many believed it was to make Donald Trump look bad.

School choice advocate Corey DeAngelis pointed to evidence.

The teachers’ unions resisted opening. Emails showed that the teachers’ unions worked closely with the CDC to keep schools closed. The LA teachers union began to racially profile parents who wanted the schools opened. Who can forget how Biden’s Justice Department threatened parents who wanted schools open, calling them domestic terrorists.

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