What Happened to 8 USC 1324? Buttigieg Aided & Abetted Illegal Aliens


South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg allegedly broke the law and created an aleft system, notifying families if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided the residents’ homes or businesses. It was a phone tree.

The “phone tree,” according to The Daily Beast on Wednesday, was one of several actions Buttigieg took to protect illegal immigrants in his town. Phone trees consist of an automated calling system that helps spread messages quickly and efficiently.

Those would presumably help alert immigrants to the type of surprise raids that resulted in nearly 700 arrests in Mississippi.

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch uncovered the operation when they sued the city over a “Community Resident Card” program that Buttigieg reportedly developed with the help of far-left La Casa, a pro-immigration group.

It is a felony to aid and abet illegal immigrants. What happened to the law? Why does this man get away with breaking the law? He’s not the only one. Several congressmen and Beto O’Rourke have done the same thing. The absurdity of presidential candidates and congresspeople breaking the law unscathed.

These Democrats have no respect for the law. They do whatever they want.

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