While Wearing Cat Ears, School Board Member Argues Christians Are “Unsafe”


An Arizona school board member wearing cat ears on her head, who identifies as a ‘neurodivergent queer black latina with pronouns “she, her(s), and Ella,” had concerns about hiring teachers from a Christian university. She is worried about their morals and values.

Tamillia Valenzuela thinks Christians are “unsafe.”

The Washington Elementary School District voted to dissolve a multi-year contract with Arizona Christian university, which allowed for hiring student teachers from their program.

Tamillia Valenzuela

Tamillia Valenzuela attacked the university over its Christian beliefs.

“While I full-heartedly believe in the religious freedom and people being able to practice whatever faith that they have, I had some concerns regarding looking at this particular institution,” she said.

“And I think it’s a really good time for us to take a moment and really pause about where our values lie,” Tamillia said.

Clearly, their values are beyond description. Arizona is going down.

Tamillia thinks she’s a cat.

Tamillia won election in January in a three-way race with 465 votes, and is an LGBTQ activist who claims she’s bilingual and handicapped.

She should be ousted for bigotry, and one senator agrees.

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