Whitmer would-be kidnappers are Antifa, love all races, hate Trump


Yesterday, the left-wingers on social media and in the so-called mainstream media had a hatefest against the right-wing going, claiming right-wing militiamen plotted to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and assault others, including the police. These 13 men hoped to start a Civil War.

All we know about the militia is they contacted the Michigan militia.

The 13 plotters seem to like the Constitution, guns (like all criminals, and hate the government. They are anarchists. They have no problem with minorities and want them to join with them in their Civil War.

The fact that they were anti-police had me wondering why they were men of the right. The university minions who watch for terrorists claim they are right-wing or go from left to right. That’s almost a total lie.

Take JJ MacNab, a fellow at George Washington, she helped start the blather about Boogaloo and the Wolverine Watchmen as right-wing. She includes the harmless online group QAnon and Vaxxers in those groups of violent anarchists and socialists/communists.

She claims some Boogaloos and the men like the ones who wanted to kidnap Whitmer sometimes like Trump which is a distortion of reality and an attempt at throwing shade on who is really terrorizing Americans — Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

The men arrested are Antifa-loving anarchists. The Boogaloo are socialist anarchists. Right-wing can’t be anarchist socialists, sorry JJ. The lies from these so-called university experts and politicians are nauseating.


They are not white supremacists (most of Antifa are white):

The ringleader hates Trump:

The men are white but they are leftist anarchists:

These people are crazy.


Whitmer is a complete fraud and so are all the Democrats ranting on social media about these so-called right-wingers. They are their peeps — Antifa. These are the people the Democrats, Joe Biden, and Whitmer support. These are the people Biden’s staff and Kamala’s groups bail out of jail!

Whitmer blamed the right-wing all day yesterday or suggested it was the right-wing, tying it to President Trump:

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