Why the McCains Rallied Against Kari Lake


Kari Lake recently lost her election as she vied for a Senate seat. She would have been a terrific senator. One of the reasons she lost could be the moderates who still value McCain’s style.

Although popular in Arizona, not everyone was a Kari Lake fan. Kari made some influential enemies, the McCains among them.

The McCains had some influence over Kari Lake’s chances of winning. It’s hard to say how much since Donald Trump did win handily.

Meghan McCain said Kari Lake “sh*t all over her dad and family” and can’t expect us to just support her. The devoted daughter of Sen. McCain said Lake came over as very hostile in general,

McCain showed her contempt when Lake lost:

An example of the kinds of things Kari said was a retort she made in jest at a rally. She told McCain Republicans “to get the Hell out.”

Kari said, “Boy, Arizona has delivered some losers. Haven’t they?” Lake then told the audience that any “McCain Republicans” listening to her “to get the hell out.”

There are a lot of McCain Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents in Arizona; this caused some anger.

Kari was referring to John McCain’s reputation as a RINO who voted with Democrats on some important bills. McCain Moderates represent a faction of Arizonans that might have led to her margin of defeat.

In 2017, the American Conservative Union gave McCain a 57% grade based on their positions but gave him an 81% lifetime conservative score.

The left-wing League of Conservation Voters gave him a 20% score, and the Christian Coalition gave him an 83%. The ACLU gave him a 20% score.

He was a reliable vote when George W. was president, but not as much under Donald Trump.

Kari sees the McCains as globalists; many would agree, like Roger Stone:

McCain promoted the US going to war for liberty worldwide. This is seen as a globalist viewpoint with mainly good intentions but bad results.

Kari Lake saw the McCain family’s lack of support for Donald Trump as support for the left, who are dismantling the nation. The McCains supported Joe Biden in 2020.

This is a beautiful thank you from Kari Lake after her recent loss. She correctly stated that she was subjected to dishonest, vile attacks.

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