Yikes! What? Chicago Mayor Blames GOP for His Failures


Even when there are no Republicans left, we have Mayor Brandon Johnson blaming them. He thinks white Republicans don’t want to see black people free. Sure, Brandon dear, that’s it. It can’t be because you’re incompetent. He’s completely ridiculous, but I imagine people trust him so he can keep on lying.

“Well, there has to be better coordination, you know. What we’ve seen is a very raggedy form instituted by right-wing extremism. Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted democratically-ran cities, and quite frankly, they’ve been very intentional about going after democratically-ran cities that are led by people of color, and their whole motivation is to create disruption and chaos because that’s what this that particular party has been about, right?

“This is the same political party that did not want to accept that President Obama was actually an American. It’s the same Republican right-wing extremism that stormed the Capitol; it’s the same right-wing extremism that refuses to accept the results of the Civil War; it’s raggedy, it’s disrespectful, it’s mean-spirited, it’s an unclean spirit quite frankly. And so I got you, I got you. I just want to make sure that people understand what we’re facing. That’s why it’s so important the faith community is leaning in in this moment.”

We’re still fighting the Civil War? Now that’s funny.  We’re “unclean spirits.” Good to know. Nice racist gibberish.

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