You won’t believe who determined our social distancing guidelines


Do you know who determined that a six feet social distance guideline was appropriate? Tucker Carlson shared the information last night.

It was a man who has been dead for 100 years.

Tucker began his monologue last night saying, “It’s not good for man to be alone.” That’s one of the very first observations in the book that forms the basis of Western civilization, and we’ve lived accordingly. Apart from the death penalty, the harshest things we do to criminals in this country include separating them from other people. Prisoners have chosen lethal injection over solitary confinement. That’s how badly human beings need to be close to one another.

“So when they told us to stay far apart from each other last spring in the name of public health, it was an enormous sacrifice, whether or not we understood it at the time. Because this was a trusting and law-abiding country, we obeyed that order. We barely grumbled about it. We assumed they knew best. ‘Stay six feet from each other.’ That was social distancing. It was the law and most of us followed that law.”

Watch this short clip to hear the rest:

Watch the full clip, it’s good:

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