Zelensky Reveals His Globalist Agenda Yet Again


Ukraine’s Winston Churchill (or is he Mussolini?), Volodymyr Zelensky, addressed today’s Chamber of Commerce in Boca Raton, Florida, and guess who he thanked. Ukraine’s President thanked financial giants Blackrock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Westinghouse, and others. He wants them to get him some Abrams tanks.

He is a true globalist, and his view of freedom stops at the gate when it means letting his Orthodox churchgoers go to church, his opponents speak their minds and allowing journalists to tell the truth.

He thinks war, government, and globalist corporations should act as one.

Certainly, everything he does backs the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum and other globalist organizations working in tandem.

Zelensky has exposed his globalist agenda before. During the war, he said we must address climate change, and we need universal digital IDs. US tax dollars are currently paying for his bureaucrats to digitize everything. His playbook and that of the globalists have never been terribly well-hidden.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine war is a business opportunity.

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