Zhao Chunli, 67, Allegedly Kills 7 Asian Farmworkers


Another elderly Asian male committed mass murder. Zhao Chunli, 67, killed at least seven farmworkers in two locations. The attacks took place outside of San Francisco in San Mateo.

It’s two days since another Chinese dissident killed 11 Chinese people. In that case, the gunman who killed himself might have been targeting his ex-wife.

As in the first case, Zhao Chunli used an illegal gun.

Seven farmworkers were found at a home and nearby. Another body was found in another location, but that death might not be related.

The suspect, 67-year-old Half Moon Bay resident Zhao Chunli, was taken into custody at about 4:40 p.m. after he was found in his vehicle in the parking lot of the Half Moon Bay substation, the sheriff’s office said. He was taken into custody without incident and a weapon was found in his car.

Josh Becker, a state senator, said on Twitter, “Gun violence has come to our district today, and I will do whatever I can to support the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department and Half Moon Bay city officials during this tragic event,” Josh Becker, a state senator.

The man had the gun illegally. The gun was illegal in California and the law didn’t stop him. The problem isn’t the weapon of choice. We don’t even know the motive yet.


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