4 Dems demand Joe to rescind exec order on oil 7 gas leases


Four Congressional Democrats from Texas have come out against Biden’s decision to freeze leasing on federal lands for oil and gas. They are urging him to rescind his executive order. It’s pretty bad when other Democrats call for the dictator to reverse some orders.

In a letter, Democratic Reps. Vicente Gonzalez of McAllen, Henry Cuellar of Laredo, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher of Houston and Marc Veasey of Fort Worth called Biden’s order “far-reaching” and demanded he rescind it, arguing that banning “responsible energy leasing” would eliminate jobs, decrease the country’s gross domestic product, increase crude imports from foreign countries and chip away at federal revenue, among other concerns, The Texas Caller reported.

“Texas … has been ravaged by the coronavirus and this recent Executive Order will hurt an already suffering community. Therefore, I urge the Biden administration to rescind this federal order and reevaluate the impact of this measure with input from relevant stakeholders and experts,” Gonzales said in a news release. “I, and my colleagues, stand ready to work with President Biden, the incoming secretary of interior and other stakeholders to develop a thoughtful policy that addresses climate change, protects American jobs and moves us forward.”

It’s not likely they will get anywhere. The decision was solely ideological and makes no sense.

John Kerry just admitted that even if they got to zero emissions, it wouldn’t make any difference in the climate because of China and other polluters. They’re destroying us as part of a power grab.

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