AGs have meddled in politicized cases, only Bill Barr was told to resign


Democratic attorneys general have always meddled in politicized cases. That includes Eric Holder in the Pennsylvania voter intimidation case, Loretta Lynch in the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and Janet Reno in the potentially illegal fundraising calls, The Washington Times reported.


Attorney General William Barr is under intense pressure for intervening in the case of Roger Stone, an ally of President Trump’s. He had the sentencing recommendation refiled after the prosecutors recommended 7 to 9 years for process crimes they helped create.

Since then, more than 2,400 former prosecutors and officials signed a letter calling for Mr. Barr’s resignation over the way he handled the Stone case.

The group behind the letter is far-left and tied to Obama. Eight legal analysts for CNN and MSNBC signed, along with some of the Soros-funded CREW members. Lawfare radicals also signed.

You can read the letter and look at the names on this link.

We also have the federal judges association calling an emergency meeting over this. It’s absurd. They decided to meet after the letter was made public.

The letter falsely claimed the intervention was to help an ally of the President’s when it was clear the sentencing recommendation was out of line.

“A person should not be given special treatment in a criminal prosecution because they are a close political ally of the president,” the former officials wrote in an open letter released Sunday. “Governments that use the enormous power of law enforcement to punish their enemies and reward their allies are not constitutional republics; they are autocracies.”

Lost in all this is the fact that the sentence was absurd and exceeded the recommended guidelines. Stone is a sickly 67-year-old with a deaf wife who is dependent on him. He has never committed a crime and did not commit the crime they grilled him on. When they went to arrest him, they barged in in the dark of the early morning with guns drawn. They invited CNN to write up the story. It is they who are out of line.

Watch the arrest:

The hysterical reactions prove there is a deep state, and the closer it gets to the publication of the Barr-Durham report, the more frantic they will become.


As a former attorney general, Mr. Barr intervened to discourage the prosecution of Democrat, Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, in a case of gifts in exchange for political favors. He tried to help Menendez, who later refused to confirm Bill Barr.

Other AGs have intervened as well.

Holder and the New Black Panther Party

One of the Justice Department’s first actions under Mr. Holder in 2009 was to intervene in a Justice civil suit against the New Black Panther Party.

The department’s Obama appointees dropped a case of voter intimidation against two Black Panthers who patrolled a Philadelphia polling place in paramilitary uniforms, one wielding a club.

He dismissed the clear cut case in favor of the Black Panthers who were intimidating the voters.

In 2012, a District Court judge ruled, “The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General [Tom] Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision,” The Washington Times reported.

Holder was Mr. Obama’s “wingman,” but no one is allowed to support President Trump. Holder depicted us as a “nation of cowards” in race relations.

AG Lynch and the Tarmac

Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey testified to Congress that AG Lynch told him to call the Clinton email abuse a “matter,” not a criminal investigation.

Then there was the time AG Lynch met with Bill Clinton on her airplane while his wife was under investigation. It appeared to be a planned meeting, according to a new book, Secret on the Tarmac, by a journalist.

Days later, Hillary Clinton met with FBI agents, along with her aides. Hillary testified, but not under oath.

Comey then announced he decided Mrs. Clinton would not face charges for her illicit use of a private server. It was not his responsibility, but rather AG Lynch’s. The Inspector-General later cited Comey for insubordination.

Reno and the Disappearing Illegal Fundraising

Going back to 1997, Janet Reno overruled FBI Director Louis Freeh and refused to appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate possible illegal campaign fundraising calls by then-president Bill Clinton and his VP, Al Gore.

In the End

Brett L. Tolman, former U.S. attorney for Utah on a nomination by George W. Bush, told The Times that conferring with Washington is “not routine. But also not out of the ordinary. I had a few cases where I had meetings with the main Justice deputy attorney general and attorney general on big cases.”

Aside from trying to reduce the Stone sentence, Democrats hate Barr because of speeches he has recently given demonstrating his strong belief in the Constitution and freedom.


The Democrats are looking for an excuse to demand Barr’s resignation. One of the problems they have with him is that he is investigating the origins of the Mueller collusion hoax.

Also of concern to Democrats, is that Barr is launching an aggressive assault on sanctuaries. And he is reviewing Rudy Giuliani’s evidence.

Bill Barr called out George Soros for subverting our legal system, and that is verboten.

The Attorney General is also a constitutionalist, which is also unforgivable for Democrats.

Lawyers called for Barr’s resignation after he gave this speech:

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