Andrea Mitchell/MI AG say Americans falsely claim lockdowns violate “rights”


Tyrannical Attorney General of Michigan Dana Nessel (D) is just as bad as the governor who gives her the cues. Nessel published a politicized open letter to President Trump today demanding he wear his mask in the Ford plant during his visit Thursday because it’s “legal” and “moral.”

However, you only have to wear the mask if you are within 6 feet. President Trump said he plans to follow their law and wear a mask when necessary. It’s within his rights. Nessel ranted to Andrea Mitchell that he was violating the law. She ignored the fact that he can wear the mask or follow the 6-foot rule.

However, Nessel agrees with Andrea Mitchell who said, some Americans are “falsely claiming” COVID lockdowns violate their “rights.” Just because there are exceptions to the Constitution when there is a pandemic, that doesn’t mean Americans have lost all their rights.

Do you see how Democrats are eager to take your rights and justify it? It’s so easy to lose freedoms.

Nessel said it wouldn’t be a divide if the President wore his mask. She thinks protesters only take their cues from him. However, the protesters want and need to go back to work — that’s why they’re protesting.

Democrats want to conjure up fear with these masks.


Democrats will be greatly distressed when the government gets involved in their bans on churches, synagogues, and mosques. President Trump today said the government will soon get involved. States have become abusive.

Michigan is one of the abusive states.


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