As Biden’s Poll #s Crash, Dems Claim the GOP Rigs Elections


Biden’s poll numbers continue to sink further into the black hole. At the same time, Democrats say the GOP rigs elections. Isn’t saying that a threat to democracy?

The RealClearPolitics average of polls shows his approval rating under 40%. They have Biden’s approval rating at 39.7%, with an average of 55% disapproval.

Biden’s approval ratings were dragged down by three polls. One is a new poll showing him at a record low rating. A second poll has him in the high 30s, with a third poll showing his approval languishing in the mid-30s.

Does the GOP rig left-wing polls too?

Meanwhile, Biden’s lunatic war with Russia is crushing our economy and Europe’s.

Concept of voting Fraud – us mail bag with absentee ballots are thrown to the bin

Ironically, Joe Biden is beginning to question election integrity. When Trump won in 2016, Democrats screamed he was an illegitimate president. Then Biden won and anyone who questioned his election was demonized, banned, and called a traitor – a threat to democracy.

Currently, Democrats are coming down on a tough election, and are questioning the legitimacy of our elections. They fear Republicans rig them.

Perhaps they want Republicans to stay home? Don’t stay home. As bad as some Republicans are, they are the only hope we have right now.

Tucker put up a couple of clips last night giving examples of the alleged Democrat concerns:

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