Beto calls for open borders & blasts Biden for Haitian deportations


Beta Beto is back and he’s running his campaign for governor by trashing his benefactor, Joe Biden. He’s angry Biden deported [a small number] of Haitian illegal aliens [they’re not migrants].

In an article for El Paso Matters, he seemed appalled by the conditions they were living in and criticized Biden for not being prepared.

He’s right about that. Earlier this month, Biden said there would be no more deportations of Haitians. There should have been some better preparation [like closing the border]. NBC News says another 20,000 are preparing to probably come to the border and DHS is warning of an influx by boat.

Beto, Robert Francis O’Rourke, the fake Hispanic, tried to make the case for them being here, explaining there was an earthquake in 2010 and they went to Chile but there are fewer jobs now [no, there aren’t], and there’s COVID.

We top the list for COV but Beto didn’t get the memo.

You would think he’d want the borders closed if he sees there’s a problem caused by massive illegal immigration. But, no, he doesn’t want the Remain in Mexico policy and pleads for open borders with better preparation. No deportations for Beto!

We need our government to dispense with cynical Trump-era policies and follow current U.S. law to ensure due process for asylum seekers. We need to hold accountable those who would treat immigrants as less than human — whether they were separated from their families and placed in cages under Trump or corralled like cattle as they brought food to their families under Biden.

And as important and interesting as the rest of the world might be for those in D.C., while you’re making submarine deals with Australia, the countries and people that we’re actually connected to by land, history, family, and culture are left without serious U.S. attention, involvement or leadership. And these are the consequences.

The Americas must be the foreign policy priority of America.

He compared Biden to Trump and wants us to stop worrying about Europe and the rest of the world. Just concentrate on open borders here.

If Biden were like Trump, we would have a wall, a Border Patrol treated with respect, ICE agents allowed to do their jobs, and no invites and freebies for illegal aliens.

You might remember that Beto is the man who called for tearing down all border walls.

The fact is the border is wide open. Anyone can come in and that should make him happy. Most of the Haitians were simply sent around the interior with COV and without vaccines. They were sent in “large numbers” according to the AP.

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