Biden Negotiated a Pandemic Treaty That Goes Well Beyond Health


As The Epoch Times reported, Joe Biden has negotiated a deal to sign on to the Pandemic Treaty, giving The World Health Organization, namely Tedros, power to dictate pandemics and responses to pandemics in 194 nations. It doesn’t stop at pandemics and goes beyond and into quality of life issues and human rights.

Francis Boyle, professor of international law at Illinois University, spoke with The Epoch Times and said whoever drafted the treaty knows the law and knows how to circumvent the US Constitution and International Law.

Professor Boyle finds this dangerous and cites court cases that would allow it. The cases include State of Missouri v. Holland, in which the Supreme Court ruled that treaties supersede state laws. Other decisions, such as United States v. Belmont, ruled that executive agreements without Senate consent can be legally binding with the force of treaties.

The Pandemic Treaty goes well beyond health. It will rob us of sovereignty as Tedros locks us down, quarantines us, and surveils us with our vaccine passports.

The World Health Organization is a subsidiary of the UN which is in lockstep with all the global organizations, including the World Economic Forum.

Electrification, a path to control

To give you an idea of where they hope to go, they plan to control us through the electrification of our energy sector.

The World Economic Forum plans to use smart devices on air conditioning, TVs, and Electric Vehicles so the state can act aggressively and shut them down when the grid is overloaded.

Stakeholder capitalism

Klaus Schwab is exactly what he appears to be – a wannabe dictator. He plans to force stakeholder capitalism on the world. The ideology behind it is that a few elites should run the global economy. The rulers will allow the peons to contribute ideas. They promise to consider the peasants’ viewpoints and act with beneficence.

It’s a feudalistic system, and we know how that worked out the first time.


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