Biden says he took office 15 months ago


Joe Biden gave a speech today bragging about his handling of the COV vaccine as if he was responsible for it. While he was speaking he claimed the day he assumed office was fifteen months ago.

“Since January 20th, we’re talking about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000,” Biden said as he was touting his ‘success.’

Well, the good news is 15 months of his term are over and he only has 33 months to go.


Hearing him boast today of all he did to bring Americans the vaccine was stunning. He is the person who did everything he could to diminish it before it came out. He didn’t want DJT to get any credit, so, he turned everyone off to the vaccine. Now, he can’t understand why so many people are leery of it.

Today, you would never know that DJT is responsible for Americans having the vaccine. You would think Joe Biden is Jonas Salk.

This is what he said before it was successful:

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